Public Policy


August 26, 2021
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DPP Assistant Professor Cameran Ashraf publishes a paper on the impact of artificial intelligence on freedom of religion or belief online in The International Journal of Human Rights:

Cameran Ashraf (2021) Exploring the impacts of artificial intelligence on freedom of religion or belief online, The International Journal of Human Rights, 

July 1, 2021
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SPP professor and acting dean Martin Kahanec publishes a co-authored paper with Lukáš Lafférs and Bernhard Schmidpeter about the effectiveness of mass antigen testing for COVID19 on the pandemic in the Journal of Population Economics. 

Kahanec, M., Lafférs, L. & Schmidpeter, B. The impact of repeated mass antigen testing for COVID-19 on the prevalence of the disease. J Popul Econ (2021).


April 21, 2021
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On April 14, 2021, CEU’s School of Public Policy hosted the global book launch of Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, And Inequality (Oxford university Press), co-hosted by The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).

February 23, 2021
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SPP professor and Acting Dean Martin Kahanec joins the Editorial Board of the academic journal Economic Systems as of January 2021.