Book launch of Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, And Inequality

April 21, 2021
Book Launch online event

On April 14, 2021, CEU’s School of Public Policy hosted the global book launch of Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, And Inequality (Oxford university Press), co-hosted by The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).

The editors Georg Fischer and Robert Strauss, as well as the authors of several topical chapters were speakers at the event hosted by SPP’s Dean Martin Kahanec, which included a book launch lecture, presentations of several chapters followed by a panel discussion on global trends and local inequality impacts and discussion with the audience.

The online event was open to the public and was well attended by CEU faculty, students, and guests from universities, research institutions, policy think-tanks and government bodies.

Dean Martin Kahanec commented "Many discuss inequalities, but few provide rigorous evidence that could effectively support better policy making in this very important area.  Georg Fischer and Robert Strauss have put together a volume that does precisely that: Authoritative evidence condensed in fifteen chapters at your fingertips.”

During a fruitful panel discussion insights were shared about other countries with a focus on Turkey and the Balkans.

Watch event here

The book

 European integration is focused on improving economic performance and increasing income levels in nations across the European Union. Political leaders and the media often use income trends to measure this progress, with inequality moving more and more to the forefront of these conversations. In this book, contributing authors focus on the economies within the EU, its member countries, and other European countries closely associated with the EU. The book includes an overview of economic and social trends, using long-term processes of European integration as a way to frame the discussions.

Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality, published on February 19th, offers a novel approach to the analysis of social and economic trends, and the resulting book identifies major policy challenges applicable in the EU and beyond.

During the event, chapters 10 and 14 were presented each by one of their authors (Olaf van Vliet and Martin Guzi respectively) in a discussion focusing around globalization, flexibilization, technology and inequality:

Chapter 10 - From Social Protection to Social Investment: European Responses to Globalization, Technological Change, Labour Market Flexibilization, and Migration – Olaf van Vliet, Vincent Bakker, and Lars van Doorn

Chapter 14 - Europe's Migration Experience and Its Effects on Economic Inequality – Martin Guzi, Martin Kahanec, and Magdalena M. Ulceluse

Speakers and Panelists


  • Martin Guzi, Masaryk University – Associate Professor, Department of Public Economics
  • Martin Kahanec, Dean of the School of Public Policy at CEU
  • Robert Strauss, Co-editor of “Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality”; Formerly the European Commission
  • Olaf van Vliet, Leiden University – Professor, Department of Economics


  • Anil Duman, Central European University – Associate Professor, Political Science
  • Georg Fischer, Co-editor of “Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality”; wiiw; Formerly the European Commission – Senior Research Associate at the Vienna Institute for International Economic studies, WIFO associate
  • Zsóka Kóczán, EBRD – Associate Director, Senior Economist at the EBRD Office of the Chief Economist
  • Wiemer Salverda, University of Amsterdam – Professor Emeritus, AIAS-HIS

Buy the book

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