Human Rights


June 8, 2015
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“Dozens of civil society activists, NGO leaders, journalists, and human rights defenders have been incarcerated in Azerbaijan in recent years. Two of them,” explained Saman Sardar (MPA ’16), “are CEU alumni.” Ilgar Mammadov graduated with a degree in political economy from CEU in 1997. He was an active member of the opposition in Azerbaijan and one of the leaders of the Republicanist Alternative Movement until he was sentenced to seven years in jail in March 2014.

June 8, 2015
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During a public lecture at the School of Public Policy at CEU on June 4, Mellichamp Professor of Global Governance at the University of California, Santa Barbara Alison Brysk shared some of what she has learned from her more than 25 years of research on the politics of human rights. Brysk began her presentation by quoting from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

May 15, 2015
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In a public lecture on May 14, Stephen Hopgood presented key findings from his recent book, The Endtimes of Human Rights. He asked the audience, “Are human rights still an effective way to pursue liberal ideas of freedom?” Analyzing the political effectiveness of universal human rights in a changing world, he argued that structural changes and greater diversity will impede a truly “global Human Rights movement” from materializing.

May 7, 2015
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CEU is again taking part in the Allianz Summer Academy (ASA). The theme this year is Europe at a Turning Point: Economic Crisis, Social Disintegration, Political Change. Teams from five universities are preparing reports on topics related to this theme that will be presented and discussed during the first days of the Summer Academy at the Allianz Management Institute (Kempfenhausen).