Policy Lab Research Reports
Center for Social Research Analitika
Enabling the Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans (2016)
Central European Labor Studies Institute
Reforms in the Hospital Healthcare System in Macedonia, Estonia and Hungary (2013)
Precarious Work in Hungary and Slovenia: Roles and Strategies of Trade Unions (2012)
Grassroots Europe for Local Well-being Initiative (2014)
Well-Being: Aspects and Evaluations (2011)
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
Enhancing Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Western Balkans (2023)
Socioeconomic Effects and the Future of Ageing in Europe (2022)
Population Ageing Policy Recommendations in a National Comparison (2022)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Land Tenure in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (2024)
Supporting agricultural land market development and access to land in the Kyrgyz Republic (2023)
Land Taxation – A New Tool to Combat Farmland Abandonment? (2022)
Encouraging Youth Involvement in Agriculture: Evidence from Austria, Cyprus and Ireland (2022)
The Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet)
Habitat for Humanity
Affordable/Social housing outcome/impact indicator framework for Habitat for Humanity International programs and advocacz in the CEE region (2023)
Developing a Housing Output Indicator Framework for Habitat Programs in Central and Eastern Europe (2022)
COVID-19 and Housing in Informal Settlements: Kenya and Uganda Report (2021)
EU National Level Policy Development to Implement SDG-11 in Africa (2017)
Impact of the Energy Union on Residential Energy Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe (2016)
Slum Upgrading in African Urban Areas and the Post-2015 European Policy Agenda (2015)
Housing Policies in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania (2013)
Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid
NGO-Private Sector Partnership: Complementary Collaborations (2015)
The Private Sector… The Missing Link for Development? (2014)
Exploring Hungary’s Policy Coherence for Development: The 'Education vs. Migration' Nexus (2013)
Hungarian Development Agency
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
The Impact of COVID-19 on Migrants in the Western Balkans (2021)
Innovative Humanitarian Finance (2021)
Trends and Patterns in Natural Disaster Management in Europe and Central Asia 1993-2014 (2015)
Food and Nutrition Security in the Europe Zone (2014)
Europe in Crisis: Addressing Changing Patterns through Innovation (2014)
Dynamics of European Migration: a Comparative Assessment of Croatia, Bulgaria and Hungary (2011)
Menedek – Hungarian Association for Migrants
Analysis of the Integration Evaluation Tool 2012 (2016)
Open Society Justice Initiative
Political Capital
Roma Decade Secretariat
Roma Initiatives Office
Policy Report on Empowerment for the Roma Initiatives Office (2012)
Roma Women Empowerment Projects of the Roma Initiatives Office (2011)
Slovak Ministry of Finance
Subsidized School Meals Impact Evaluation Report (2024)
Transparency International
Public Perceptions of Corruption in Hungary – Opinions and their Main Social Drivers (2020)
Indicators to Measure Accountability (2020)
United Nations Environment Programme
Vanishing Treasures: Ebook on EbA and CSWC Policies (2022)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Examining Humanitarian Intervention on the Climate-Conflict Nexus in Myanmar, Syria, and Sudan (2016)
The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
A ‘European Silk Road’: Environmental Impact Evaluation of a European High Speed Railway Network (2021)
The World Bank