DPP Archive

Invitation to the welcome event of the Allianz Alumni Academy on Europe 28/11/2014

November 5, 2014
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Invitation to the welcome event of the 2014 edition of the Allianz Alumni Academy on Europe 28 Nov 2014, from 5.00 pm, CEU Auditorium

 Information on the 2015 Allianz Summer Academy on Europe

Watch CEU's Uwe Puetter as he speaks at the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee workshop

November 3, 2014
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Watch the CEU's Uwe Puetter as he speaks at the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee workshop  at the beginning of a new life cycle of the European institutions about the changing roles of the European Council and the Council in European Union governance.

Vija Pakalkaite, doctoral candidate of the Department of Public Policy publishes a commentary about Gazprom in Natural Gas Europe

October 31, 2014

Vija Pakalkaite, doctoral candidate from the Department of Public Policy and a researcher at CEU Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG, energy.ceu.hu) on October 27 published a commentary about Gazprom’s gas pricing in Natural Gas Europe”.

A new method for conceptualizing and measuring European integration

October 28, 2014

‘European integration’ is often used as a catch-all label for studies related to the European ‘Project’ or is presented as something that does not require much further conceptual work. An article published in the Journal of Euroean Integration by DPP Visiting Professor Sara Svensson with Carl Nordlund at the CEU Department of Political Science and the CEU Center for Network Science takes the concept seriously and explores how the notion of European integration at the local level can be conceptualized and measured.

Professor Kahanec co-organized IZA/NBS/CELSI Conference on European Labor Markets and the Euro Area during the Great Recession

October 28, 2014
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Martin Kahanec (Public Policy) co-organized with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) and National Bank of Slovakia (NBS) an international scientific conference on „European Labor Markets and the Euro Area during the Great Recession: Adjustment, Transmission, Interactions“ on October 20-21, 2014 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Keynote speeches were given by Klaus F. Zimmermann, director of IZA and professor at Bonn University, and Jordi Galí, director of CREI and professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.