Invitation to the welcome event of the 2014 edition of the Allianz Alumni Academy on Europe 28 Nov 2014, from 5.00 pm, CEU Auditorium
Information on the 2015 Allianz Summer Academy on Europe
You are welcome to join the welcome event of the 2014 edition of the Allianz Alumni Academy, which will take place on Friday 28 November 2014, from 18.00 till 20.00 in the Auditorium.The previous editions were held in Brussels, Berlin and Madrid.The event will include welcome notes by John Shattuck, President of the Central European University, and Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Allianz Cultural Foundation, and a speech by Ivan Krastev (Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia, Bulgaria) on A Global Revolution? – Why most of the recent protest movements have failed.
The event, co-organised by the Rectorate, the Department of Public Policy and the CEU Center for European Union Research, in close cooperation with the Allianz cultural foundation, will be preceded by a reception, starting from 17.00 in front of the Auditorium. It will offer members of the CEU community to chance to meet with alumni of the Academy (which include, amongst others, former students from many CEU departments, including DPP).
DPP faculty members, Marie-Pierre Granger and Uwe Puetter, will introduce the Saturday's closed 'fishbowls sessions' in which the Allianz Academy alumni will debate current European policy questions.
The Allianz Summer Academy on Europe is a program sponsored and supported by the Allianz cultural foundation. Under this program, every second year, five students from each of the five invited universities (which in the past included CEU, Princeton, Bocconi, LMU, LSE, Sciences-Po, Oxford, Graduate Institute Geneva, etc) work and debate on issues related to Europe. Throughout the academic year, the selected students work within their university team, under the supervision of a faculty member, to prepare a policy report addressing questions related to the topic chosen for the Academy that year; in the summer, they meet for four days with their counterparts from the other participating universities in the idyllic setting of the Allianz Management Institute, outside Munich, Germany. There, they present and defend their report; after that, all the participants split into workshops, which include a representative of each invited university, in which they discuss and draft policy recommendations, which feed into a final policy proposal (the 'manifesto'). For more information on the program, you may check out the 2013 edition (including a video and publication).
CEU has been part of the program since 2006, and will also participate in the 2015 Summer Academy, which will take place at the beginning of August 2015. A call inviting applications from Master's students from all CEU departments will be released within a month of the Alumni event.