CEU students

Erasmus+ Mobility Program for CEU Students

Students may participate in the Erasmus+ Mobility Program for studying or being trained abroad several times, totalling up to 12 months maximum per each cycle of study (master/doctoral).

Erasmus+ Study Mobility for CEU students

Within the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 – Mobility of Individuals, opportunities are provided for students to undertake a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI).

The receiving organisation must be a Program Country Higher Education Institution awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education having signed an inter-institutional agreement with CEU before the mobility takes place.

A study period abroad may include a traineeship period as well as far as the mobility activity is compatible with the student's degree-related learning and personal development needs. The study period abroad must be part of the student's study program to complete a degree at CEU at second cycle (Master or equivalent) and third or doctoral cycle.

Erasmus+ Internship Mobility for CEU students

Within the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 – Mobility of Individuals, opportunities are provided for students to pursue an internship period abroad at a higher education institution or at certain organizations. The receiving institution must be a Program Country Higher Education Institution awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education or any organization excluding EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialized agencies, organizations managing EU programs.

Students may spend an integrated traineeship period of minimum 2 months at a receiving institution under the Erasmus+ Internship Mobility Program. Awarded students receive a grant, which is a contribution to travel and the cost of living in another country. Within this framework it is also possible for recent graduates to pursue an internship. In this case application must be submitted and Grant Contract must be signed before the graduation. Students are selected for an Erasmus grant by the Internship Selection Committee on the basis of academic ability and the relevance of the proposed internship to their studies at CEU.

The mobility activities are expected to produce the following outcomes:

  • improved learning performance;
  • enhanced employability and improved career prospects;
  • increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
  • increased self-empowerment and self-esteem;
  • improved foreign language competences;
  • enhanced intercultural awareness;
  • more active participation in society;
  • better awareness of the European project and the EU values;
  • increased motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) education or training after the mobility period abroad

OSUN - Study Mobility Scholarships to OSUN partner institutions

CEU graduate students who will not yet have finished their degree programs by the end of their proposed mobility can apply for funding to study at any of the below listed OSUN member institutions for either the winter or the winter and spring term of 2023. 

 Applicants will need a pre-endorsement (online recommendation) from their CEU Supervisor / Head of Department. Their final participation in the program is contingent on admission to the OSUN host institution as a visiting (non-degree) student. In turn CEU will host visiting graduate students from other participating OSUN member institutions.

The following placements are currently (AY 2022/23) available as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the various participating OSUN institutions:



Placements available on graduate level

American University of Central Asia, Kyrgizstan

10 students/term  

Bard College, USA

number up to program capacity, typically 1-2 per receiving program

BRAC University, Bangladesh

3 students/trimester

Central European University, Austria

10 students/term (max 2 in one program at one time)

Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

5 students/term


CEU Masters and PhD students can apply for single courses at the University of Vienna.

The pre-requisite for being considered will be an endorsement from the Head of Department/Head of Program/Supervisor (just 1).

It is important that one student can take 1 course at UniWien (exceptions can be made, if it is reasonable). The Agreement signed with UniWien states that credit transfer is possible but that institutional credit transfer policies have to apply.

Language of instruction: The general agreement does not limit what language the course can be in, which the student chooses. If the course language is English, the language proficiency test is waived. If it is German (or other), the student has to submit a language certificate.