George Soros Chair Professor, Central European University (CEU), School of Public Policy (SPP), and President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO).
He has a global record of excellence in research, teaching, policy advice, engagement in the diffusion of knowledge to society and academic networking. He was also building up, leading and restructuring large academic institutions. RePEc ranks him among the top 0.2% on its world list of over 50,000 economists. Strongly committed to evidence-based policymaking, he regularly writes in leading international media and advise governments and institutions.
Other current positions: Co-Director of POP at UNU-MERIT; Full Professor of Economics at Bonn University (em.); Honorary Professor, Maastricht University, Free University of Berlin and Renmin University of China, Beijing; Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Regional Science Academy, and Academia Europaea, the European Academy of Sciences, and Chair of its Section for Economics, Business and Management Sciences. Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Fellow of the European Economic Association (EEA). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics. Editorial Board of International Journal of Manpower, Research in Labor Economics and Comparative Economic Studies, among others.
Previous positions: Founding Director, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); Past-President, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). University affiliations: University of Malaya, Macquarie University, University of Melbourne, Princeton University, Harvard University, Munich University, Dartmouth College, Kyoto University, University of Pennsylvania and CORE/Louvain-la-Neuve. Managing Editor "Economic Policy" and Editorial Board of Journal of Applied Econometrics, Labour Economics and European Economic Review.
Honors: Distinguished John G. Diefenbaker Award 1998 of the Canada Council for the Arts; Outstanding Contribution Award 2013 of the European Investment Bank. Rockefeller Foundation Policy Fellow 2017; Eminent Research Scholar Award 2017, Australia; EBES Fellow Award 2018 of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society. George Soros Chair at Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Spring 2019.
Fields: Population, labor, development, migration.
Academic Journals: Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Scientometrics, International Migration Review, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, China Economic Review, among others.
Publication and communication: Zimmermann has published 53 books, 169 papers in refereed research journals, 156 chapters in collected volumes, 11 contributions to handbooks and encyclopedias, 113 contributions to policy journals and reports and over 517 media pieces. He is committed to the diffusion of research to policy and society, writes regularly in leading international media and advises governments, the European Commission and the World Bank on labor market and migration issues. Recent books include the International Handbook on the Economics of Migration (Edward Elgar 2013, with Amelie Constant) and Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession (Springer 2016 with Martin Kahanec).