Open Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges of Doing Journalism in the Digital Age

Photo: Andy Lamb
Panel Discussion
Open to the Public
Arany Janos u. 32
Friday, November 21, 2014 - 9:30am
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Friday, November 21, 2014 - 9:30am to 11:30am

Digital technologies are dramatically reshaping media ecosystems and the way news and  information is gathered, communicated and consumed. These changes have challenged and redefined the nature and practices of "traditional' journalism, as well as the relationship  between media outlets and audiences. As opposed to traditional modes of gathering and reporting news, journalists today have become curators of content, culling and repackaging streams of information delivered by the public through social media and other digital tools and platforms. Rather than passive news consumers, the public has become active cocreators in the news production process, both driving news cycles and often shaping what is news.

This panel explores the benefits and challenges of 'open journalism,' the term used to describe the new, participatory model of news production based on the open exchange of information, content, and ideas between media outlets and audiences.


Frane Maroević, Senior Adviser, OSCE Representative of the Freedom of the Media
Gill Phillips, Director of Editorial Legal , The Guardian News and Media
Sejal Parmar, Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Studies, CEU
Lenart J. Kučić, Technology and Media correspondent (Delo)


Ellen Hume, Annenberg Fellow in Civic Media at Center for Media, Data and
Society (CMDS)