Vija Pakalkaite, doctoral candidate of the Department of Public Policy publishes a commentary about Gazprom in Natural Gas Europe

October 31, 2014

Vija Pakalkaite, doctoral candidate from the Department of Public Policy and a researcher at CEU Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG, on October 27 published a commentary about Gazprom’s gas pricing in Natural Gas Europe”.

In the article ‘Colder than Usual Winter - Cheaper than Usual Gazprom Gas?,’ Pakalkaite predicted that Russian energy giant Gazprom’s insistence on oil-price indexation may backfire during the upcoming winter. The underlying fundamental of the oil-indexed gas prices, crude-oil prices, has already been falling for more than three months. By the end of winter 2015 and early spring this fall of oil prices should be reflected in Gazprom’s gas prices based on long-term contracts.

Natural Gas Europe is an independent organization that provides essential daily reading on European gas matters. 

