News & Events

New Investigation Launched by DPP Journalism Class

January 18, 2023
Journalism Class

As part of “Journalistic research and investigation”, a practical course conducted by Marius Dragomir at CEU, a team of 12 CEU students launched work on a new investigation in January 2023. The class is run in a newsroom format, students carrying out journalistic investigation and research that will feed into a final report.

DPP professor Kahanec published a chapter on education in CEPR book on Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and Policies

December 14, 2022
(c) Dorota Holubova

DPP professor and head of department Martin Kahanec contributed a chapter on Education Reforms during and after the War to the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) book on Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and Policies.

We are Hiring: Assistant Professor in Organizational Theory and Public Administration

December 6, 2022
Decorative image

The Department of Public Policy (DPP) is seeking to fill a full-time position of Assistant Professor in Organizational Theory and Public Administration. The newly appointed faculty member will help shape DPP’s research agenda, teaching programs, and engagement with practice. We seek an academic committed to contributing excellent research, innovative teaching, extensive engagement with policy practice, and cooperation with CEU’s external partners.  Please read the full call here. 

DPP doctoral candidates co-convene a themed track at the 53rd European Studies Conference in Belfast

December 5, 2022

DPP doctoral candidates Szilvia Nagy and Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III are co-convening a themed track at the 53rd European Studies Conference in Belfast (and online) on (En)countering Europe as global, othered, and transperipheral voices (EUROGLOT). This track asks how we might come to ‘speak’ differently about Europe and its many entanglements in world politics.