DPP Archive

DPP’s Kristina Irion and Sara Svensson present study on the Albanian Audiovisual Media Authority

November 25, 2014
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Key representatives of the institutions involved in Albanian media regulatory policy-making and implementation were present as the findings of the study “The independence and functioning of the audiovisual media authority of Albania (AMA) – an assessment using the INDIREG methodology” was presented on November 25. The study was commissioned by the Council of Europe after a request by the Parliament of Albania, with CEU Assistant Professor Kristina Irion as lead author and Sara Svensson Visiting Professor on the team carrying out the report.

The European Council and deliberative intergovernmentalism: an interview with Uwe Puetter by the Library at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union

November 25, 2014
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The European Council and deliberative intergovernmentalism: an interview with Uwe Puetter by the Library at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union

Uwe Puetter talks about new intergovernmentalism at the EIF of the University of Vienna

November 25, 2014
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DPP Professor and CEUR Director Uwe Puetter talks about new intergovernmentalism and institutional change in the European Union at the inter-departmental workshop of the Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung (EIF) of the University of Vienna. The lecture (in English), which relates to Uwe Puetter's new book on the European Council and the Council, is followed by comments and discussion. The event on Monday, December 1 is moderated by former CEU graduate Zdenek Kudrna.

Visiting professor Sara Svensson writes on new potentials for local cross-border cooperation in Europe

November 21, 2014
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A book published by the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC) takes stock of developments and future potentials of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). DPP Visiting Professor Sara Svensson contributes with a chapter on how this new legal instrument, introduced by the European Union in 2006, can function as a tool for enhanced interest representation of territories that span two or more borders.