DPP Archive

PhD Candidate Olga Loblova Co-authors Paper in European Journal of Health Economics

May 19, 2014
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Olga Loblova, PhD student of the Department of Public Policy co-authors a paper in the European Journal of Health Economics entitled "Health technology assessment in Poland, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria".

'Meeting of the AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie of the German Political Science Association'

May 15, 2014

DPP will host a 2-day workshop for the working group of the German Political Science Association on May 23-24, 2014.

Travel grants

May 15, 2014

DPP offers during the program vast opportunity for research and intership supported by travel grants.

PILnet lawfirm experts at DPP

April 23, 2014
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On March 17th, Atanas Politov and Tamás Barabás, from PILNet, the global network for public interest law, delivered a talk in the framework of the Law and Public Policy course (DPP, CEU). They touched upon the role and definition of the public interest in judicial processes, and discussed success and failure stories in public interest litigation in Central and Eastern Europe. It generated lively discussions on the use of legal processes to impact on public policy and societal change.