Rape & Radicalization: Understanding the Female Fighter

Nimmi Gowrinathan
Open to the Public
Oktober 6 u. 7
Friday, March 20, 2015 - 11:00am
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Friday, March 20, 2015 - 11:00am to 12:30pm

The Center for Conflict, Negotiation and Recovery (CCNR) cordially invites you to the public lecture

Rape & Radicalization:

Understanding the Female Fighter

by Dr. Nimmi Gowrinathan

With continued attention on female fighters in Iraq and Syria, how do we understand the motivations and political meaning of women's engagement in political violence? How do their lived experiences with everyday violence, including rape and sexual assault, shape the individual politics that can be mobilized into violent and nonviolent political movements?

Dr. Nimmi Gowrinathan is a Visiting Professor at City College New York, Director of the Politics of Sexual Violence Initiative. She is also the Executive Producer of the Vice Series, Women in/at War. She writes for Foreign Affairs, Vice News, Huffington Post, Washington Post, and Guernica Magazine. More on her work at www.deviarchy.com, or follow her @nimmideviarchy.

Her most recent articles are featured in Foreign Affairs, ("The Women of ISIS" & "The Missing Women in the U.S. Torture Report"), and Outlook Magazine ("Artful Democracy"), and a new narrative nonfiction essay can be found at Guernica Magazine ("Narrating Crisis in Sri Lanka").