Assistant Professor Cameran Ashraf appointed as the head of human rights at the Wikimedia Foundation
The School of Public Policy is pleased to announce that Assistant Professor Cameran Ashraf will start as the head of human rights at the Wikimedia Foundation (parent organization of Wikipedia) on January 18.
Wikimedia receives over 22 billion visits per month and an increasing number of these visits are occurring in areas where human rights, such as freedom of expression or the right to privacy, are threatened. To protect at-risk users and to defend human rights globally, Cameran will work on identifying, mitigating, and addressing emerging threats to human rights across Wikimedia’s global properties. In addition, he will collaborate with global technology companies to develop international best practices in human rights response across the technology sector. Cameran will also provide input to the Wikimedia Foundation’s strategic goals in public policy and advocacy to ensure that its operations are in alignment with best practices for addressing human rights challenges.
Cameran will continue his research, teaching, and student supervision as an active member of the School of Public Policy.