Public Policy


June 25, 2015
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“The graduation ceremony was one of the highlights of the CEU experience,” said Rumbidzai Masango (MPA ’15). “It was touching and special for me and my colleagues. After two years of hard work and persistence, we made it!” June 21, 2015 was also special for the School of Public Policy (SPP) at CEU: the graduation of its inaugural class. “It was truly a milestone for SPP,” said Founding Dean Wolfgang Reinicke. “I am so proud of our students – and also of our faculty and staff.  So many people contributed to this achievement.”

June 24, 2015
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Founding School of Public Policy (SPP) Dean Wolfgang Reinicke opened the School’s Annual Conference by highlighting the key questions that the speakers and panelists would be addressing over the next two days: Is democracy discredited and increasingly neglected around the world? If so, how and why – and what can be done about it?

June 23, 2015
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Twenty-two students from 11 universities traveled to Budapest, Hungary last week to participate in the Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance (OSIRG) – an experience that Rumbidzai Masango (MPA ’15), one of last year’s students, described as “mind-blowing.”

May 26, 2015
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On May 8 and May 12, teams of graduating MPA students presented their Passion Projects. A required and important component of the two-year MPA program, Passion Projects are client-driven and student-run, policy-oriented capstone projects. Students work in teams together with a partner to address challenges, identify opportunities, and/or conduct research on a pressing social question.